Privacy statement

Who’s responsible for your information?

Wisepick Productions B.V., located at Weena 664 3012 CN Rotterdam
This is our CoC number: 92878172

You can reach us for questions or complaints via:

  • Phone: +31102590347

  • Email:

  • Mail: Weena 664 3012 CN Rotterdam, attn Wisberg klantenservice

If you're not satisfied with how Wisberg handles your privacy, you can also contact the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens:

  • PO box 93374

  • 2509 AJ The Hague

We keep your personal information private

We do everything it takes to keep your private information private. We do ask about your information, so we can help you as much as possible. You can read which information we ask and what we use it for below. You can also see what your rights are, who has access to your data, and for how long we store your information.

This privacy policy was last modified on 30 May 2024.

Personal information

We collect your information in the following ways:

  • Because you share it with us via the contact form on our website, via the phone, or via email.

  • When we've acquired it via cookies and other comparable techniques.

  • When you've written reviews about our products.

  • When we've had interactions via social media.

This may include the following personal information: name, email address, phone number, order data, IP address, and cookie ID.

What do we use personal information for?

  • For questions about service and support for Wisberg products

  • For improving and innovating Wisberg products by acquiring information we receive via (product) reviews.

  • For analyzing and improving the use of the Wisberg website and the (online) customer journey.

  • To detect and stop fraud or misuse and keep our systems safe.

  • To comply with any legal obligations.

We want to make sure that it's really you. That's why we can ask for additional information to determine your identity. We also do this when we receive unclear requests.

Legal grounds for usage

Usage of personal information can be based on various legal grounds. We do this based on permission (for example when you've signed up for the newsletter), the execution of a contract (for example for service and support), or because we have a legitimate interest (for example for analysis when you use our website). Of course, you can always withdraw your permission.

Retention period and access

We won't keep and use your information longer than necessary. We delete all the information we have of you afterwards. Or we use your data anonymously, because we need certain data for internal analyses and reports.

We use the following retention periods:

  • We delete recorded phone calls after 30 days by default, unless we have a legal obligation to retain a phone call longer.

  • We retain service and repair requests that go through Wisberg for 7 years.

We only pass on your information to other parties if it's necessary for our services. We can also exchange information with partners when you went to a partner via the Wisberg website. In addition, some cookie developers have access to the information that cookies collect on our website (for example Google when we use Google Analytics). In any case, we don't sell your information to third parties.

Where do we save your information?

We store your information in several databases, and we always use strict security measures. Your information is almost always stored within the European Union. In the rare case that customer data is passed on to countries outside of the European Union, we’ll ensure that your privacy remains protected in the best way possible. This has been officially determined for certain countries.

What are your rights?

You're still in charge of your information, of course. Would you like to access your personal information and receive a copy? Or would you like to edit your information, delete or restrict usage, or adjust your email preferences? No problem. Let us know via mail or email. In this way, you can let us know that you feel your privacy is more important than our interests. We’ll review the situation in this case. Do you want us to transfer your information to another party? We can do that. Send your request via mail or email and we'll make it happen.

Two years manufacturer's warranty

Two years manufacturer's warranty

Ease of mind for years